Monday, May 5, 2008

Election, Atheism and Christianity

Sunday’s sermon (PDF) was about God’s “Amazing Grace” and how we are elect among men as Christians. The passage for the day was Genesis 25:19-34 which talks about Jacob and Esau. One important point in the passage and that was brought home in the sermon was that Issac and Rebekah went to the Lord in prayer when they did not understand something or had a wish. Isaac went to the Lord in prayer when his wife was barren and she became pregnant (Genesis 25:21-22). Then Rebekah went to the Lord in prayer when the babies jostled in her womb and was told that she had two nations within her (25:22-23). Then finally we see the nature of the two children. Esau was of poor character and Jacob was a bottom grabber.
The practical lesson here is that no matter what you may wish for or what you want to know if you ask the Lord in prayer than he will answer.

Our monthly round table was “Militant Atheism, Militant Christianity.” We led off with a video of a Richard Dawikins talk from the TED website on “Militant Atheism.” One question that came up was weather or not Militant Christianity was an oxymoron. We decided that it was. We also discussed some of the unthinking ways Christians don't question ideas and how we can approach this problem. We also came to the conclusion that you will have a very hard time dealing with anyone that is militant and how we can become militant at times also. It was a very intense and heated discussion.

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