Saturday, April 12, 2008

Letter Regarding Iran

I am gravely concerned that we are on the road to war in Iran. Considering S.J. Res. 23(2001), S.Amdt. 3017 (2007) and Gen. Petraeus's recent testimony I fear there may be either a resolution to take hostile action against Iran or the president claiming he has the authority to do so based on the aforementioned acts of Congress.

There are also the reports in the New York Times and Washington Post this morning about the Iran threat. This smells of being a reprise of the buildup to war with Iraq. It also doesn't ease my fears that Adm. Fallon, who was trying to calm the frayed nerves of Middle Eastern countries, has resigned his post. He had said upon nomination that there would be no war with Iran on his watch. Now that we are not under his watch I fear that we will get ourselves whipped into a frenzy again and take hostile action against Iran.

We are already spending $720 million a day and 4,000 lives in Iraq. How much life and treasure will Iran take from us? Can our treasury afford another foreign adventure? I would say not and our military cannot handle it either. It is at the breaking point. There will have to be a draft to accomplish this monstrosity of an action.

It is very possible that Iran is taking action in Iraq because it sees a threat from us being there and are only protecting their sovereignty, as we complain about from time to time. They saw us invade and occupy Iraq and may take action to prevent the same fate for themselves.

I am no great defender of the Iranian regime, but can understand why they may see us as a threat to their sovereignty. We need to carefully evaluate any hostile action we may take against Iran and there needs to be a full and fair debate about any further resolution that the Congress might pass to fully authorize said hostile action. We can not let Iraq happen again.

Thank you for your consideration.

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