Monday, August 30, 2004

Senator Lindsey Graham

I discovered Senator Lindsey Graham while watching C-SPAN after returning home from volunteering during the 2004 campaign. He was on the floor speaking about the Central American Free Trade Agreement that he later voted against because it harmed the workers of South Carolina. This is a speech that I refer to as the South Carolina Pockets speech.

I admire Sen. Graham for his independence, intelligence, and service to the country. He demonstrates his independence when he stood against the administration on the abuse of detainees. He has shown this when he stood up the the base of the party on immigration. He demonstrated his intelligence when he compromised on the judicial nominees in order to preserve the Senate as an institution.

I admire his service in the Air Force and in the government.

I enjoy listening to Sen. Graham speak because of his intellect and passion. He always brings a unique perspective to issues like Social Security reform or National Security.

I hope that my lenses help the reader to gain a better understanding and appreciation of him and his work. I also maintain a website and blog about the subject.

American Dreams, American Values

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