Saturday, May 31, 2008

Changing Direction

I originally had planned to complete the Associate Applied Science degree in Web Graphic Design at DeVry University. My first two courses were MATH-032 and BUSN-115 and I am a little more than half way through them. I plan to finish them, however, I do not have funding to achieve this goal. I will place it on hold until a later date. Through taking BUSN-115 I have developed a desire to complete a business degree.

I applied to the Keller Graduate School of Management of DeVry University and was accepted. I have completed my financial aid, paid the tuition deposit, completed the entrance testing and am registered for my first course, IS 535 Managerial Applications of Information Technology. I begin my career as a Keller student on 7 July.

The Degree will be a dual Masters in Business Administration and Public Administration. Embedded in the MBA is a certificate in Entrepreneurship. The emphasis in my MPA is Nonprofit Management.

I have already planned out my degree and it will take me 4 years part time. It is a total of 25 courses. I am planning to take GM 400 Foundations of Managerial Mathematics with GM 520 Legal, Ethical, and Political Dimensions of Business during Session A of Fall of my second year in the program. I am not required to take GM 400 but am choosing to so I can make sure I am prepared for the statistics, finance, and accounting courses that are required. I take the GM 400 course at no extra cost to me because I tested out of the class. From there I go on to My finance and accounting courses, as well as those in nonprofit management and entrepreneurship.

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Monetary Reserve

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