Friday, August 27, 2010

On the Path Toward First Finance Job

Today (08/27/2010) I attended the Employment Services Orientation at Inspiration Corporation and got an overview of the program as well as completing the intake process. Employment Services are provided under The Employment Project which assists clients in learning skills that will allow the student to obtain and maintain gainful employment.

The first step during the orientation is completing the intake interview. This interview provides staff with information about the client so that each individual recieves the correct services. In my case that is employment skills training and also career training so that I can obtain my first position in the field of finance. I also commit to my workshop time for the training cycle. I will attend the Employment Prepartion Training workshop in the afternoon so I can maintain my morning hours at The Heartland Institute.

The four week workshop will help me learn and evaluate how I see the world, communication skills, apply it to employment, and practice interviewing. Clients are only allowed to miss two days and after the third they must make it up the next training cycle before the graduate. Arriving 30 minutes late or leaving 30-plus minutes early counts as an absence. Arrive before the workshop begins or you are late. The rules teach clients to treat the workshhop like a job.

After graduating from the workshop I will discuss my career and educational goals with a Career Services Adviser. This person can assist me in obtaing the WIA grant to get the training I need to get the job I would like to have.

My Goals are the following:
  • My educational goal is to earn a joint MBA/MPA or MS
    • Enroll in and complete marthematics courses up to pre calculus and twenty-four hours in accounting at a community college.
    • Research schools
    • Enroll in GMAT preparation course and attend free events
    • Take GMAT
    • Choose target schools based on GMAT scores
    • Apply to schools
    • Schedule interviews
  • My career goal is to be employed as a regulator in the U.S. Department of the Treasury. My second choice is to work for the FDIC in Chicago.
    • Obtain first position in financial field or as a lab assistant at a community college.
    • Apply for Federal Career Internship Program
    • Write Federal resume
  • Attend all scheduled workshops, take notes, complete homework, and engage in the group process.

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