Friday, April 20, 2007

Progress in Iraq

Sen. Graham recently returned from a nine day trip to Iraq--two days as part of a congressional delegation and seven days as an Air Force reservist. He has concluded that the surge is working as a result of his visit and service in-country.

In an interview on FoxNews Sunday Graham fleshed out the details of the sixteen Shieks that were now working with us to secure the country. In comments to the Spartanburg Herald-Journal upon his return that we should know by early Fall about the will of the Iraqi people to control their country and that we needed the Petraus years ago. This cautious optimism after return is bolstered by his comment while on the delegation visit that Iraqis are resilient people.

In his editorial "Progress and Losses in Iraq" Graham explains the progress he saw in Iraq on the recent visit. He pointed out that their was more cooperation with tribal leaders in Anbar Province and that thy were encouraging young people to join the Iraqi police force. He was allowed into areas that were previously off-limits while with the delegation.

He was assigned with the Rule of Law Task Force while serving his week of reserve duty. He saw cases brought before courts and saw up close that nothing good happens without a price. The price in this case was an optimistic American Navy Commander that assisted in building a court house and then was killed by an IED.

He also reported a security problem at Camp Buca where al-Queda detainees are held along with prisoners who are not dangerous. The prison was becoming a recruiting ground for the terrorists, but there was a plan to deal with the problem.

He concludes that while there is progress in Iraq we have a long way to go to complete the task.

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