Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Graham Response to 'War is lost' Comment: Who won in Iraq?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid comments about the Iraq war were heard around the capital, roundly criticized, and questioned.

In the Fort Wayne Sentinel he was reported to have said:

I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense (understands), and - you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows - that this war is lost, and the surge is not accomplishing anything, as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq.

These comments created a stir incurring this initial response from Sen. Lindsey Graham from South Carolina:

Majority Leader Reid’s willingness to withdraw and declare defeat – in the face of horrific acts of terrorism – would be a mistake for the ages.

It would undercut General Petraeus’s new strategy, not yet fully implemented, and ensure the defeat of this young democracy. It’s also would be a death blow to forces of moderation throughout the Middle East.

Meanwhile, Gen. Patraeus visited Capital Hill today and told congressman that al-Queda was a primary threat in Iraq. Mr. Reid says that he will 'stick with Gen. Patreaus who said that the solution had to be political. The two sides took exactly what they wanted from the briefing.

Soon after the briefing Sen. Graham questioned Sen. Reid's comments:

“If the war in Iraq is lost, then who won? Was it Al Qaeda? Iran? Sunni extremists? Shia extremists?

“Do you believe allowing any of these groups to emerge victorious is in our long-term national interests?

These questions asked by Sen. Graham are at the heart of the debate on Iraq. Sen. Reid need to answer them and quickly otherwise his statements fall of their own weight.

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