Sunday, January 14, 2007

Baptismal Testimony: New Beginnings as a Christian Citizen

Delivered at Baptimal ceremony on 14 January 2007
Before I came to Christ I was a typical American, immersed in civil culture and participating in a civil religion of honoring country and sometimes this took the shape of worship rather than simple, humble patriotism. Coming from a Catholic tradition I was completely confused about how pomp and circumstance equaled worship to God and why we needed a priest to intercede on our behalf. I also was totally disillusioned by the sex scandal. I had been studying Methodists and Baptists and decided that the Baptist faith was the right path. God brought me to Immanuel through the Southern Baptist Convention website and the IBC website. I started attending shortly after the 2004 election. There was a simple statement made by Sen. Lindsey Graham at that time that returned me to faith. He simply said “It’s nice to pray.” God spoke to me at that moment and told me what was missing in my life.

He instructed me that “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV).

Jesus has helped me to see what his Father wants. He has revealed these things to me through meditation, prayer, and His word. He has shown me that I need to be kind to my neighbors and work to make my country and world a better place. He has influenced me to instill civility in my actions to further my opinions and His plans for me. He has done this by providing me with a rock and a standard upon which to build my life.

I attempted to enter the Air Force through both ROTC and attempted to enlist but could not because of a medical issue. Coming from a military background, though, I understand the importance of character. I realized through Jesus’ willingness to show me that even the bedrock characteristics of a good Airman are what he desires in a person – integrity, service, excellence.

Integrity, which allows all other character traits to flourish, comes from God because he is full of integrity. David’s response to God in 1 Chronicles 29:17 is formative in my character: “I know, my God that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things I have given willingly and with honest intent” (NIV). This was how I approached my desire to serve my country as an Airman and now how I approach my purpose of spiritual growth, being a student, and working in politics/government.

Service is inherent in the story of Jesus because he was sent here to be a servant-leader. This meant he had to serve in order to fulfill his purpose, ultimately laying down his life on the cross for our salvation. I feel that he has shown me that I also must serve in some way. The purpose I believe he has chosen for me is politics/government. This is my purpose from God and has been supported by answers I have received in prayer. He has guided me to bring civility to processes that have become very uncivil and to become a servant-leader in my field. Mark 9:35 is a verse that convicts me in how to be a servant-leader. In it Jesus says, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.” I am charged with first serving the Lord and then being a servant-leader of my country.

Spiritual excellence is what I feel Jesus is demanding of me. I walk with him and see how much improvement needs to be made because I am constantly stumbling. Philippians 4:8-9 convicts me to put into practice the desirable character traits I see despite my stumbling blocks. My stumbling blocks are lack of discipline, forgetting that my life is all about God’s pleasure, and idolatry. The first stumbling block displays itself through procrastination and just not doing things I should do. The second manifests itself in forgetting that God’s Word is law. The third stumbling block manifests in me creating Lindsey Graham (my favorite Senator) as an idol rather than just as a brother in Christ who also stumbles and that I admire. Exodus 20:4 admonishes me when it says that “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth” (NIV). This is a constant reminder that I am to only worship the one true God and his son in heaven and not any human or other item.

I find comfort in the Gospel because it addresses all these issues. The largest point is that it is all about God (Jesus Christ) and not about me, Lindsey Graham, or any other human being because we are all put on earth for His pleasure. As we are reminded in Matthew 16:25 – “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it” (NIV). Jesus’ death on the cross solves the problem of God’s demand for excellence and my constant stumbling by being the atoning sacrifice for all sins spoken and not spoken. However, Jesus requires mercy and not sacrifice according to his teaching in Matthew 9:13 and he is clear that he has come not to call the righteous, but sinners. This has convicted me to say “Here I am, LORD, please show me the way.”

He has shown me that I can be pleasing to him by being a good student and a good citizen. This will all guide my approach to government and politics. God is calling me to grow in him spiritually by studying his Word and enacting his principles and character traits in my life.

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