Thursday, November 8, 2007

Gov. Huckabee in Iowa – All Hands Lining a Rocky Road

Gov. Huckabee has been slowly creeping up on the leaders in the polls and took the attendees at the value voters summit by storm.

The Newstatesman reports on the Huckabee factor:

Step forward 52-year-old Mike Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor and Baptist minister who was born in Hope, Arkansas (sound familiar?). A fiscal conservative in the Reaganesque tradition, he likes to call himself (with some justification) “the conservative who is not mad at anybody”. He says he is “not interested in being the candidate of Wall Street but of Main Street” and that it is simply “wrong” that CEOs “get paid 500 times what the average worker does”. In a field of flawed oddballs, above all, Huckabee emerges as a decent and likeable man. He is now quietly creeping ahead in the polls as the 2008 campaign’s stealth candidate, and has probably already done enough to earn himself at least a shot at the vice-presidential nomination.

Gov. Huckabee will be concentrating his resources on Iowa for the next 65 days in an all-out effort to win or place in the all-important first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucus.

The Politico asks weather Iowa is being reduced to a Romney-Huckabee race because Huckabee has moved into second place in Iowa and the Boston Globe reports that Gov. Huckabee is polling at 15% in that poll.

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