Monday, May 7, 2007

Heritage Foundation on the War Supplemental

What Congress Must Do Now | 5/3/2007
With American lives on the line, Congress should not hold troop funding hostage to special-interest spending nor try to usurp the President's authority.
Eliminate Pork, Support Troops
Where Congress Went Wrong

Congress Passes Irresponsible Iraq Bill | 4/30/2007
Last week, Congress recklessly passed the Supplemental Spending Bill that President Bush has vowed to veto. Congress must send the President a law he can sign.
Next Steps for Congress
Declaring Defeat

Congress's Misguided Iraq Supplemental | 4/27/2007
Congress has passed an unconstitutional and irresponsible Iraq funding bill. President Bush's promised veto is well warranted.
Feulner: President Must Veto Bill
Bill Undermines US-UK Alliance

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