Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Fear doesn't Rule the Day: Reason Does

The Democrats have taken the House and may yet take over the Senate. These next two years will not be that dark because the Democrats will have to govern from the center due to thin margins of victory.

The terrorists have not won and our freedom still exists. Osama Bin Laden doesn't care how we vote because he will try to kill us no matter who is in power. I had no idea that the voters were on any type of hook. The people voted the GOP out of power on issues, of which corruption was the most important. No where did gay marriage show up on the radar as a reason for the vote going the way it did.

It is hard to argue that the democrats are allowing the terrorists easy access to the country when it is President Bush that did not enforce our immigration laws and the Republicans did not start to move on the issue until before the election and then passed a border fence and didn't fund it. Also, we lost a valuable immigration screening program when the Department of Homeland Security was created.

Democrats love the country as much as Republicans do; they just have different ideas. The major complaint, though it doesn't come across is lack of checks and balances. The Republicans (George Allen) is being investigated for robocalls that mislead voters to the wrong polling places.

It is crazy to say that they will rob us of our virgins. It is not fair to call people morons under these circumstances. They only wanted to make a point to Republicans that they were not going to allow them to forget where they came from when they were elected.

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