Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Judiciary Oath a Bad Idea

Today, the Committee for Justice released and extended its "Fair Judiciary Oath" to Senate candidates. The two requirements for the oath are to support a fair up-or-down vote on the floor of the Senate and opposition to 'arbitrary' blocks in committee.

I cannot argue with a fair vote on the floor, but I would never sign the right of filibuster away because I would have to ask what I should do if a nominee that I thought was objectionable got out of committee. I would vote against such nominee if given the occasion, but I would not want to stop someone who believed that they needed to filibuster to bring public attention to it. Let the voters vote out those who filibuster if they feel so strongly.

The second provision is even worse because it would take away a Senator's right to make an independent decision about each nominee because a decision to support a committee hold for any reason except a reason predefined by the group.

I am really concerned that this will end up not applying across the board because these people will oppose the nominees of a Democrat based on the very thing that they do not want analyzed about their nominees, ideology. I would recommended that no candidate sign this because it takes away their right to make an informed decision.
(hat tip: RedState)

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