Monday, January 2, 2006

Sen. Graham’s Wit, Wisdom, and Leadership

Sen. Graham is one of our sharpest sneators. He seems the best interests of South Carolina and the country in mind with every action. I am specifically proud of the action he in being a part of the Group of 14. He also has a wonderful sense of humor and is thoughtful.
He stands up to the administration when his conscience tells him he must, like on the issue of torture. He has been honest with the country about Iraq and the chance we have of succeeding there. He asks tough and penetrating questions of officials in committee hearings.
The first stance he took that I liked was on trade. He went against the grain of the party and voted “no” on CAFTA. He made his ‘South Carolina pockets’ speech and said “If we are not here to fight for American jobs then I do not know what we are here for.” I appreciate him standing up for American jobs.
I know he will be a leader. Sen. McCain thinks he looks like an attractive vice presidential candidate. I tend to agree, but wish him to stay in the Senate, where he could do more good for the country at this particular time.

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