Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stimulating Discrimination

Many Democrats and their allies  complain of writing discrimination in to the Constitution/law when Republicans take action that supports and endorses traditional values. However, in H.R. 1 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act they have written in to the law discrimination of their own. They ban funding from going to institutions or portions of institutions that teach courses with sectarian content at the Post-Secondary level.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Free-Market Principles for the Digital Economy

“The Internet,” it is often said, “changes everything.” For consumers, business leaders, and elected officials, this may not be far from the truth. But the transistion to a digital economy does not repeal the laws of economics, change our concept of justice, or invalidate the desirability of what classical liberal thinkers call “the rule of law.” The task is to apply timeless truths and the scientific method to a new and fast-changing reality.

1.Governments must allow electronic commerce to grow up in an environment driven by markets, not burdened with extensive regulation, taxation, or censorship. While government actions will not stop the growth of electronic commerce, if they are too intrusive, progress can be substantially impeded.

2.Where possible, rules for the Internet and electronic commerce should result from private collective action, not government regulation.

3.Governments do have a role to play in supporting the creation of a predictable legal environment globally for doing business on the internet, but must exercise this role in a non bureaucratic fashion.

4.Greater competiton in telecommunications and broadcast industries should be encouraged so that high-bandwith services are brought to homes and offices around the world and so that the new converged marketplace of broadcast, telephony, abd the Internet operate on laws of competiton and consumer choice rather than those of government regualation.

5.There should be no discriminatory taxation against Internet commerce.

6.The Internet should function as a seemless global marketplace with no artificial barriers erected by governments.

7.Protection of private property rights is an essential condition for effective planning and the long-term growth of the digital economy.

8.Effective public policy advocacy abd education are required to overcome opposition to change by special interest groups if the public is to public benefit from the many opportunities and efficiencies made possible by the digital revolution.

Monetary Reserve

This section contains link that talk about finance and economics. There are links to organizations, individual books, and articles.