Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post Election Wrap-up: Time to Rebuild as History is Made

Last night the election results showed that American has changed and grown-up on the issue of race, however, there are conservatives that are seething at their brethren who dared to question the orthodoxy during the election cycle. It is time that conservatives learn to take criticism from within because this criticism is often meant as a loving admonishment to look internally for the answers to their questions about what went wrong.

First, lets recognize and celebrate the history of electing Sen. Barak Obama President of the United States. There were people that believed that this momentous turn of events could not happen because of racist sentiment in the country. However, people from all backgrounds unified to elect Barak Obama. Obama also brought in many new voters and won the youth demographic. His coattails helped bring some new blood into the legislatures of this country as well.

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