Monday, January 21, 2008

Letter to Senator Kit Bond regarding Foreign Intelligence Srveillance

I believe that your office is trying to cover up the President’s wrongdoing. According to the Washington Times there is an assessment from your office that says the following: “There is nothing new or aggressive about relying on Article II authority in the context of foreign intelligence surveillance.”

There would be nothing new or aggressive about relying on Article II authority in the realm of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance if there had been no FISA in 1978, no Patriot Act in 2001 & 2006 and the Protect America Act last year. These laws set a framework of how the President is supposed to conduct foreign intelligence surveillance. He cannot use Article II authority to do something that the law does allow. Congress makes the laws and the President signs them. Why should this be the case if we are going to allow a President to conduct activities that run a foul of the law and claim Article II protection so that anything can be done that the President likes; when the President likes. I keep emphasizing the President because this would apply to any President not just this one.

I know that many Republicans will turn around and cry foul if a Democrat or Republican they do not like becomes President. Your claims would lose moral authority in this case because you allowed a President to have such power. This is wrong for the President, the Congress, and the Country.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My OpenCongress: Network, Comment and Vote on Congress

OpenCongress has come out with a new version which allows you to network, discuss, evaluate, and vote on what’s happening in Congress. You can track specific bills, Senators, Representatives, or issues and they’ve even put together a page on how to make the most of it:

Monetary Reserve

This section contains link that talk about finance and economics. There are links to organizations, individual books, and articles.