Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Racist Undercurrent of the Immigration Debate

In ‘There’s racism in this debate’ Ed Morales outlines numerous examples of racism or bigotry in the recent debate on immigration.

-Rush Limbaugh doctored a photo of Sen. Lindsey Graham to show him wearing a sombrero.

-Pat Buchanan says on Meet the Press that “many” immigratnts are “child molesters, rapists, and robbers.”

-Glen Beck mock ad for Mexinol and called Mexico a “dirt bag country.” Buchanan implied on the program that the VA Tech massacre was because of immigration policies

-Republican candidates declined to appear a a conference for the National Association of Latino Elected Officials

-Bigoted comments referring to cultural differences invoke threats of an “invasion” or terrorists.”

As these examples show there is a racist undercurrent in the immigration debate. Sen. Lindsey Graham dared to address it both in a speech to the National Council of La Raza and then in followup comments to the New York Times when Senaotrs were receiving threats against their safety for supporting the immigration compromise.

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