Wednesday, July 5, 2006

The Graham Principle: American Values and the Rule of Law

We have been fighting a battle with terrorists since 9/11/2001 and Sen. Graham has been consistent in his crusade to have us fight the war according to the principles that have made this country great: justice and the rule of law. These values are the most important, especially in a time of war. Lindsey is not only a Senator leading the charge for legal military tribunals but is apparently fighting for the interests of the Judge Advocate General Corps and the military that has allowed him to earn his degrees and support his sister so she could get her college degree.

He was indignant after the Abu Ghraib scandal broke in the media. He was not about to let us look like our enemy because we would lose the moral high-ground. He even told Attorney General Alberto Gonzales during a hearing that the way we fight the war on terror is about us and not them. He supported the Detainee Treatment Act which banned “cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment” of detainees. He also said that we needed to follow the rule of law in treatment of the terror suspects.

Monetary Reserve

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