Sunday, April 12, 2009

Plans, Staffing and Calls for Resignation

The American people are getting impatient and are frustrated abouot the state of the economy. The target of their frustration is Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner. According to the New York Times Secretary Geithner has yet to produce a plan to deal with systemic risk. This charge is untrue becauause his plan for controlling systemic risk is posted at where anyone in the media or general public can access and evaluate it.

Some of the extra challenges that Mr. Geithner faces are do to not having a full staff at Treasury. He is, according to The New York Times, working with a "skeleton crew" of unofficial senior advisors. This is the case even though Mr. Obama has nominated people for three senior positions the Senate Finance Committee has not held hearings on any of them.

A group of people from across the aisle including Sen. Jim DeMint have called on Mr. Geithner to resign. However, Mr. Obama says he will not accept the Treasury Secretary's resignation should he tender it. This is a good thing because the most importnat thing at this time tis to get the Treasury Department properly staffed.

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