Saturday, December 6, 2008

Purging and Hushing Internal Critics Will Not Rebuild the Republican Party

One thin is clear after the election defeat of John McCain: The Republican Party must assess, rebuild, and better communicate in the future. However, the assessment stage is taking an unacceptable turn which hears calls for purging the party and conservative movement of those considered to be RINOs and purify the ideology. Purging and purification will only make the party smaller and not persuade those whom we need to join us any more likely to do so. RINO, a term I intensely dislike is thrown around at anyone which creates disagreement or is unorthodox with their approach. This does not help any Republicans need to Remember how Ronald Reagan brought together the Republican party and also attracted some crossover conservative Democrats. They also need to observe and learn to marry the internet and community organizing rather than purging the party and purifying it. We need Republicans of all stripes to help in rebuilding the party.

Then there is the harsh and impolite way that we have been dealing with internal critics. The internal critics: Kathleen Parker, Michael Smirconish, Christopher Buckley, and now Jim DeMint; need to have their view points considered. It was uncalled for that DeMint’s Senate colleague Richard Shelby said that DeMint should just shut up with his concerns once he is outside the caucus room. DeMint dared to criticize the policy direction of the party over the last few years. His criticisms are insightful and could lead to solutions if we wish to have them. The people need to hear from Mr. DeMint because otherwise we may not know what our GOP is doing.
Why do we always seem to circle the wagons, lick our wounds, and seem to expect that if we keep doing the same things we will get a different result? Isn’t that expectation the definition of insanity?

Our leadership needs to listen to internal critics because it is more effective to listen to those who are directly involved in order to rebuild and reform the party rather than simply reacting to what the other side does and says. What we need us the message discipline and communication style of Reagan, the organizational resources of Obama, and spokes people that communicate warmth, knowledge, and common sense as well as conservative principles.

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